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Download PlanetSide 2


PlanetSide 2 is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online first-person shooter developed and published by Sony Online Entertainment (Now Daybreak Game Company), which released in November 2012. It is a sequel of PlanetSide, which originally released in 2003. PlanetSide 2 uses the Forgelight Engine, which is able to support thousands of players in continuous large scale conflict on a single map. As in the first PlanetSidePlanetSide 2 chronicles the efforts of three factions as they fight for territorial control of the planet Auraxis. PlanetSide 2 was released for the PlayStation 4 in June 2015 PlanetSide 2 holds the Guinness World Record for the biggest first-person shooter battle, with over 1158 players being recorded in a single battle.

PlanetSide 2 is a faster paced game than the original Planetside and holds the ability to feature potentially thousands of players. It also features typical first person shooter elements such as sprinting, iron sights, and regenerating shields. An important aspect is that player skill and teamwork are major determiners when it comes to being able to kill other players and overcome opposing teams. Unlockable skills are available and offer different advantages over enemies in battle. The game also features a day and night cycle, meaning that battles happen at different times of day, which affects gameplay, as night time can provide adequate cover for coordinated attacks
As the player participates in productive activities such as killing enemies, healing or repairing allies, or capturing bases, they earn experience, which increases their character’s “Battle Rank,” or level, and rewards them with certifications or “Certs.” Certifications allow the player to specialize in certain roles by allowing them to improve weapons, vehicles or tools they use. Many certifications require the player to invest in multiple upgrade tiers of the certification, which increase the certification’s efficiency. For example, the player can purchase five ranks of Nanoweave Armor, which when equipped reduce damage taken from infantry weapons. Using the certification system, the player is able to customize how they play using different classes or vehicles. For example, the player can purchase certifications to alter the main function of the Sunderer vehicle, such as the ability to repair or restock the ammunition of nearby allied vehicles and aircraft. Another currency, called “ISO-4” is used for “Implants” which resemble Perks in Call of Duty.




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